Sunday, 26 September 2010

'Motivation' - Sum 41 Video Analysis

    - The video is set in what seems to be a bedroom, which suggests that this could just be a band practice.

    - The opening shot is a tracking shot across the bedroom to help establish where they are. The only sound is the drum being played, and while the lead singer (Deryck Whibley) jumps to play his guitar, there is a cut to him from the front. This signals the rest of the band to begin playing.

    - This only takes 6 seconds.

    - There are then many fast cuts as they establish the band playing the introduction to the song, in various part of the room. This means we can better establish the band members and we also are conveyed, through the cut speed, the tempo of the music. This tempo drives the pace of the music video its self, which is why there are so many fast cuts.

    - The first vocals are shown through an extreme close up shot of Deryck, as he sings into the microphone. We are now made aware of who the lead singer is. Furthermore, the record company demands many close ups of the star of the band, to increase the ability of the star to market himself and the band.

    - Although there is very little camera movement, the pace of the cuts is very fast as we keep moving around the room from band member to band member, so we have an idea of everything that is happening in the room.

    - At 1.43, it uses a lamp shade to frame a shot of the bassist in the near and the lead guitarist far away. This helps add to the idea that this is only a band practice as it is just a common household item, something that would not be found at a gig.

    - It then goes onto use the same tracking shot as it did to establish the scene, yet this time we see every band member playing their respective instruments. This helps add an element of continuity to the video.

    - At 2.03, we see the music slow in tempo, and only one guitar is playing. This then shows the members of the band doing things such as being on the phone or playing darts, as they would in a break. This makes the band members seem more realistic, and it also adds a air of comedy to the video, especially with Dave Baksh eating fish food.

    - However, we see the basist from behind, still with his guitar on, which lets us know practice is still happening.

    - The closing shot is of Deryck's mouth engulfing the camera in darkness, which signifies the end of the video with a slight comedic twist.

    There is a distinct trend to music videos recorded by Sum 41. They always use a slight comedic aspect to their videos, and also use a slight immature theme as it allows them to connect with both the younger audience, and the immature side of the older generations. This is shown in videos such as 'Walking Disaster' (based on the trials and tribulations of a toy robot), 'Hell Song' (Dolls used to represent the band playing live, with many celebrity dolls in the audience. This exposed the corrupt and antisocial behavior of celebrities behind closed doors) and 'In Too Deep' (which showed a diving competition, with the band members competing s a team and performing random diving stunts which are not in keeping with the austere environment of a diving competition).

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